words from the heart

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A new start

Today is the start of a new year. It's also today that I start my very own blog. I must say, I was quite reluctant to go into blogging initially. Why? Well blog looks more like a diary, but a diary that can be read by others. But why would people thought of reading my diary? It's so funny right. And being an open source, I somehow feel the need of responsibility in whatever I write, as anyone might be reading.

I remember watching a show on tv where the most famous blogger, XX, was commenting that it's the reader that's responsible, not the writer. But is that true? My mentor in life, Ikeda Sensei, once mentioned that the power of public opinion can influence the society, and that can be the main purpose of journalism. I truly feel that as a human being living in this world, we should always be awared that we are all connected in our lives. Hence, in a way, our actions can affect others around us.

And so, why do I want to start this blog? Perhaps this can be a place where I can share some of my personal thoughts and feelings, which I might seldom share. I hope blogging can also be a form of training for my writing skills in the hope of strengthening my ability to write better. Lastly I hope this can be a place that can give any source of inspiration, be it in the slightest form, to anyone who read about my life's experience.

My mentor in fact has a similar experience of blogging about 50 years ago. In his youth he wrote a personal diary, which now is open to all to read as a source of powerful encouragement. I too was inspired by his youthful struggles that he penned down in his youth. Hence, following his footstep, I'm determined to struggle and work hard in my youth to lay a strong foundation for my life.

In the upcoming postings, I would try not to use the names of any person I mentioned but use the initials instead. I would also mention many aspects of my life, which includes my family, friends, and my faith. As one who practise Nichiren Buddhism, my faith is an important part of my life. As faith is in daily life, my faith is a natural part of my life rather than a part of my life. Hence I may be writing things on my faith and my practise. I hope any reader would find it not as a form of preaching but rather as an opportunity to explore and understand about my faith.

Ok, this will end my 1st ever posting!!!

Happy new Year!!!!!!!! :)

SGI President Ikeda's Daily Encouragement for January 1

Those who wake up each morning with work to accomplish and a mission to fulfill are the happiest people of all. SGI members are like this. For us each day is one of supreme purpose and satisfaction. For us each day is New Year's Day. Please exert yourselves vigorously with the determination to live each day to the fullest, so that you may compose a golden diary of life.


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