words from the heart

Friday, June 30, 2006

What a day, what a week

What a day this is. A friend just passed away today. So sudden!!!!! Really hard to believe this has happened. Oneness of Life and Death. Am I sad? Am I depressed by this? Damn man.. too many thoughts in my head to sort through....

I will miss him. I too will remind myself not to waste anymore time. Time is limited. Must fulfill my mission in this lifetime.....

Damn...... keep thinking I should have done something for him. Installing hope in others..... working for the happiness of others...... damn......

And what a week it is. I'm down with a bad cough and fever. Spent too much on medicine. Damn. Even the doctors were displeased seeing me. What have I done? Damn.....

Must be the workings of MEF. I will fight on!!!!!

SGI President Ikeda's Daily Encouragement for June 30

The place where we are right now is what matters. This is all the more true for us who embrace the Mystic Law. Buddhism teaches that we can transform wherever we are into the Land of Eternally Tranquil Light.


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